Thursday, October 10, 2019

Something to think about

Something to think about

If you were a fish and you were in a large body of water the first two things you would worry about is food and comfort. Now I want you go outside and look around at the lay of the land, picture all the houses and building gone and anything man made, also picture it gone and then what do you see. You going to see what the fish see, some trees some rocks some valleys some hills and some holes in the ground. Now anything in the water that can’t live of course would die so that’s going to produce a lot of bare spots which we call sand, take a hand full of dirt had put it in a strainer and run water through it and what do you get- sand, that’s why you have sandy area in the water, some tree and bushes can grow good in the water, and some in salt water and some in fresh water. Now picture you standing at your fishing spot and picture all the water gone and you started to walk the empty lake or bay. You going to start walking the flats then you start to go down a slop or may come to a drop off, along the way you will see some stumps or bushes that couldn’t live in the water and are dead and it could take a stump 40-80 years to vanish. This is what the fish deal with, that’s all they got. Now of course man has put a lot of man-made thing and objects in the water, like concrete poles, sunken boats, man made reefs and who knows what else. Now as far as the fish go, there are 350 species of fish that live in the Ocean, some of them swim into the bay to find food and shelter and some fish enter the bay and reproduce over and over. And I know you heard some of the pro’s say, you got to think like a fish to be good at finding and catching them, there is some truth in that saying if you want to be consistent in catching your limit day after day, the faster you find fish then the quicker you can figure out how to make them bite your hook. Now there is a art to working lures, I didn’t believe that until one day I was buddied up in a bass tournament and we were both using top water and he was smoking me 4-1 in catching bass, and the end of the day I had ask him why I couldn’t get that many hits, same bait, same color and almost the same rod and reel, well he told me something I will never forget, Jim your line is to heavy and you have not tuned your buzz bait correct, I said what are you saying, I had mean green 20 pound test and a single prop buzz bait that would fly through the water, he said I should have had 10-12 pd test so I could cast longer distance and as far as my buzz bait I needed to tune it to have a loud squeal  when the blade’s were turning, and you know what my next question was, well just how do I do that. He told me to hang my buzz bait on my car antenna for 3-4 days while I drive around and let the wind turn the blades and ware a spot on the wire and I would get my bait to squeal and he was right it really worked, I dropped down to 12 pound test and with a buzz bait that squealed I stared to get 3x more strikes, the squealing noise in the water drives the fish crazy, I think the fish tried to kill it or maybe they think it’s a rat trying to get away, but that’s what anglers mean when they say that there is a art to catching lot of fish., I have learned, just because you buy a new lure does not mean you could open it up and start casting, I did not know you had to tune you bait and sharpen all the hook points, yes you can bend the eyelet on the nose of any lure and tune it to run straight. I have seen lot of pro’s take a red magic marker and make a couple of marks on the side of their crank bait and said in the water it looks like a blood line to the fish. There are many ways you can trick you bait up to get more strikes. So, if you see the land layout like the fish do and you bait is tuned, you should catch all the fish you want.
I personally use a 2-3 inch gold or silver spoon to find fish, then I switch up to a jig head with a gulp shrimp or minnow type bait and slow down my retrieve for some better quality fish, it all depends on the wind, current and the dept on my jig head weight.
But really think of it, if I was in that water where would I be if I needed comfort and food, where you find bait fish you will find large fish close by.
Now remember when I say bait fish, I not talking about a few pin fish in the grass, I talking about school’s of bait fish, that’s what you want to see, especially on top of the water, that means big fish under them.
That’s enough for now, stay tuned and subscribe for more updates.

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Something to think about

Something to think about If you were a fish and you were in a large body of water the first two things you would worry about i...